I've kind of been struggling with the motivation to write much, but that's a story for another day. You guys definitely know how to get me going on an... ENGAGING topic for me 👀 

Basically for some context for any of you that may not know what is going on here- Monster lovers. Teratophilia. Exophilia. It's a thing. I wanna fuck monsters. It's a whole thing. With that out of the way (don't worry, I'm going to write up another post explaining it and what I personally like about it later) I made this TikTok post a little while ago making a joke about how I enjoy violent giant monster erotica, and I asked in the caption if anyone wanted any recs (or if anyone HAD any recs) and well.... you guys did NOT disappoint! Almost 200 comments later full of people asking for recommendations I knew I had to write something up. There's just so much to go through and so much to choose from that I didn't exactly know where to start!! So in today's post I'm going to go by a few different categories and share some of my favorite monster lover stories!

Not everything in this list will be NSFW or sexual in nature, some of this is just monster romance, but a good majority of it IS NSFW. Like always, please be safe when browsing the internet and please be aware of your own boundaries when looking some of this stuff up! I have not personally read every piece of media that can be found on here, some of this is also things that I had bookmarked for myself to check out in the future. Please be sure to look up any potential trigger warnings you may need before diving headfirst into this content! Especially when it comes to the world of NSFW monster content, there can absolutely be things that cross lines for some people or make some people uncomfortable. If I know of any particular warnings to include for things that I do know about I will include it where applicable!!


If anyone wants some recs.... or if you have any recs pls tell me in the comments 👀👀👀 ##monsterlover ##terato ##teratophilia

♬ original sound - Grant


There are a LOT of books out there! Whatever your flavor of monster is, there are so many great books out there to choose from! Rather than list every single monster fucker book out there, I'd like to point you guys to my Good Reads page! I have a few lists on there where you can find some recommendations! Now just at notice I also use my Good Reads to track books that I would like to read but I haven't read yet, so I can't vouch for the quality of ALL these books! But I'm working my way through reading the whole list and I'm marking things off as I complete them and writing reviews for them as I finish them!

I have a Good Reads List called "Monster Lovins" that focuses on stories with monster heroes and love interests and erotica with monsters, aliens, robots, and other non humans that would appeal to fans of Teratophilia and Exophilia!

And if you're like me and you're a fan of Orcs in particular (they are my favorites!!) There is a whole list just for Orc Romance specifically!

Now here are a few of the books that I personally have read and one that I'm looking forward to and can tell you about! I'd love to do some more detailed write ups on these, so let me know if you are interested!

Warnings: INTENSE themes of abuse, sexual violence (not with the Orc character, but with human characters)

Okay I'm currently reading Honor Among Orcs right now and I'm just over half way through it and I'm LOVING it SO MUCH!! I picked this one up after reading a ton of monster erotica books and wanting something with a little more substance to it, and boy did this not disappoint! Honor Among Orcs is the first in the Orc Saga, and I'm definitely excited to finish it up and then read through the other books in the series! Like I mentioned, this book started off very intense. There are major themes of abuse (physically and mentally) and sexual violence right off the bat with this book, but these things are never once depicted as something good or positive. Rather they are used to show the contrast between the humans who arguably are the real monsters and the orcs who are perceived as monsters. I really love the developing relationship between the main character Arianna and her orcish love interest Bolthorn. They have an uneasy relationship at the start, both of them having experienced an immense amount of trauma and having pretty severe trust issues. But as the story goes on the two of them learn to trust again and even come to love each other in a literal magical unbreakable bond of blood. I'm a huge fan of the hurt/comfort trope and YEAH that's all over the place in this book and I absolutely love it. This book has it all from the romance to the beautifully written extremely tender sex scenes. I know I haven't finished it yet, but I really cannot hype up this book enough! I'm hoping to write a much more detailed post on it once I finish the first book and then again once I finish reading the rest of the series!

Warnings: Shitty human family, the concept of slavery as the main character is literally sold to the Orcs- however this book is surprisingly wholesome, BDSM themes, domination

Cyna is sold to the orc warrior as his bride
But Atul, the chieftain's son, wants more than just her body
He wants her heart, and an heir.

Sold… her bride price paid for by an orc. Cyna’s father has traded her to this monstrous, battle-scarred warrior for a bag full of coins. She’s taken from her home, her family, her village, and everything she’s ever known.
Tall, imposing, scarred, and green. His white tusks curve up menacingly. Atul is the perfect image of a monster. A brute covered in leather and weapons, and yet he’s not at all what she expected. The orcs are not the monsters she’s been told to dread.
He says that he doesn’t want her fear. Instead, he wants her to acquiesce to him willingly. Wants her submission, her heart, and her womb. Because he intends to take his husbandly rights… intends to fill her belly with his child. And she’s finding it impossible to resist him.

Sold to the Orc is the first book in the Orc Brides series. It is an 19k long novella featuring steamy scenes of fantastical romance with no-abuse, consenting, light BDSM with a dominant orc hero. All Orc Brides books can be read as standalones.

The epilogue of this book hints to the next book in the series, as another woman is being brought in by another Orc. I really enjoyed the portrayal of Orc society in this book and it felt very unique! 

Warnings: Shitty humans, religious trauma, religious abuse, human is sold to orcs similar to the last one, discussion of forced impregnation

"She’s an innocent. He’s a domineering orc warrior who must swell her belly.
Sherrine is traded to towering beast Narag.
He has a tribal duty to produce an heir. But he wants to penetrate her mind as well as her body.
Sherrine is cruelly bartered to an orc clan, becoming the mate of mighty Narag.
He wants to know her in every way – desiring her heart as well as her flesh.
She tells herself she’s doing what she must to survive . . . even if she enjoys it.
Will she escape, or is being bonded to the dominant orc warrior exactly what she’s always craved?

Taken by the Orc Warrior is a 25K long novella containing intense, steamy scenes with consenting action. There are no cliffhangers or cheating."

I haven't personally read Girl's Weekend yet, but it's on my list to pick up next after I finish Amalia Dillin's Orc Saga! I'm especially excited for this book because it's written by Monster-bait who also has some great writing up for free on their tumblr page! I've really loved the stories they have shared on tumblr so I'm really excited to read a full length book by them! Since I haven't read this yet myself, I'll share the short blurb for this book!

"A weekend with friends, fun in the sun, and huge, naked orcs. What could be better?
That’s what three suburban elves think when they book a trip to an orc nudist resort, well known for its libidinous residents and hedonistic parties. Ris, Lurielle, and Silva arrive with plans to sample the DTF locals and work on their tans, not catch feelings.
When Lurielle meets a syrupy-voiced gentleman who seems interested in more than just a weekend fling, she finds sticking to the plan is easier said than done. From a public bathhouse to a back alley pub, the trip has unintended consequences on the lives of the three work friends and the orcs they meet.
Can a weekend of no-strings sex actually end in love?"

Short Stories & Other Writing

The online monster fucker community is so great and there are a lot of great authors out there that don't have traditionally published books, but who upload their short stories and other writing online to read! Most of these that I've found online are on various Tumblr blogs, and I will link their pages here!


Comics are a LOT of fun when it comes to Monster Fucker material! With comics you can show things that would be impossible in real life but with more visual detail than a book! 

I am working on a Good Reads list for monster lover comics that you can check out here, but I also have a few recommendations that aren't found on there!

  • Atnomen

Warnings: Abuse, violence, religious trauma
Okay, Atnomen was already on the Good Reads list but I JUST NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT OKAY!!! ATNOMEN IS SO GOOD!! Atnomen is a story about a woman and a gargoyle. After the death of Lena's father she is routinely hurt by the church and one minister in particular who plans to marry her. Her one escape is into the arms of a gargoyle statue in the graveyard. What will happen when this gargoyle is revealed to be a living being, who listened to her pain all that time and now wants to protect her? This comic gives me major adult Gargoyles vibes (like the old Disney cartoon) and I love that! It has absolutely GORGEOUS art that is just a joy to look at, every new chapter is like looking at a full work of art. Updates every 15 days on Webtoon and Tapas. NSFW content is available on the author's Patreon!

  • Orc Girl

Warnings: Cheating (happened previous to the main story), kidnapping, threats of sexual violence

Orc Girl is about Jenny, a 29 year old geeky girl who loves her fantasy RPG games and books. After a messy divorce and the onset of chronic dizziness spells where she feels out of her body and "somewhere else", Jenny finds herself suddenly whisked away to a fantasy world like the one in her games and stories! Not only that, she finds herself taken in by a big buff Orc guy! Can she return home or is she here forever? Updates every Monday on Webtoon, Tapas, and their Website! NSFW is available on the author's Patreon!

  • Blackened

Warnings: None!! 

Blackened is a super wholesome modern romance with a witch girl Zoe and a giant floofy skull faced mute monster guy. Zoe is looking for companionship on a dating app and matches with the mysterious Blak, whose profile photo is just a skull. The two of them get along though and decide to meet up for a date! Except Zoe didn't realize that skull in the profile picture actually was Blak. Blackened updates regularly on Webtoon and you can also support the creators on Patreon!


Now another fun platform for monster lovers is video games! There are a few regular mainstream games that have some good characters for the monster lovers out there, but there is also a wide array of indie NSFW games that may be of interest to you too!

Games with monster/non human romance elements:

  • Dragon Age
  • Mass Effect
  • Monster Prom
  • Helltaker

NSFW Games:

  • Seeds of Chaos

Warnings: Cheating (the game DOES prompt you right when you start it asking if you would like to see NTR content and you have the option to turn this off), some scenes with dubious consent)

"Seeds of Chaos is a dark fantasy eroge made in Ren'py, inspired by the worldbuilding of Berserk, Dark Souls, The Witcher and other epic fantasy series. Seeds of Chaos explores the story of Rowan, a retired hero of renown, who is forced to descend into an endless well of depravity and corruption."

I've played a good amount of Seeds of Chaos, but definitely still haven't seen everything this game has to offer! Some of the monsters featured in this game include demons, succubus, goblins, orcs, minotaurs, a spider monster, and more! Seeds of Chaos is made by Venus Noire games, who also has a few other games that they made that I haven't gotten around to checking out yet! It is available through Steam and Patreon to get the most updated version available, and a free version of the previous build is also available on their website!

  • Kingdom of Deception

Warnings: Some non consensual scenes (if I remember correctly you can easily skip a lot of these? It's been a bit since I played it though), slavery, 

Kingdom of Deception is the second major project made by Hreinn Games. The game focuses on main character Sabia, a human who ends up working with a group of Orcs to fight back against her scheming mother. As the humans are on the verge of total control, the various monstrous races team up together. I played through a LOT of this game about a year ago but to be honest it's been a while since I've come back to it and tried the most updated version, so I'm not sure what else has been added to it! Around the time I last played I remember the game featuring lots of Orcs, elves, a tentacle monster, cagirls, and whatever the fuck Kia is. You can get the most updated version now through their Patreon, but there is also a free version available on their website!

  • Subverse

Warnings: ???

Okay so I haven't actually played Subverse yet myself, but I've seen a lot of talk about this game while it was in the works and only heard good things! I definitely would like to check it out myself soon, and once I eventually do I'll give you guys a more thorough review of my thoughts on it! Subverse is a sci fi game with multiple alien romances and at least one robot character! Subverse is currently available early access on steam and is having episodic releases with new content! You can also check out their website for more info!

Creators & Communities

And finally for this post I wanted to share a couple of monster lover communities and ways to find other monster lover content for yourselves! There's so much out there and my short list of recommendations definitely can't cover the whole range of this beautiful topic. So in this section I'll be putting a few of my favorite monster lover creators or communities that I've found online that don't exactly fit into one of the other sections here!


Generally looking up the following tags on any site will get you at least SOME kind of monster content! Some sites have these tags blocked because of NSFW, but some work everywhere!

  • #MonsterLover
  • #Terato
  • #Teratophilia
  • #Exophilia
  • #MonsterFucker


These are some people who make monster lover content that I enjoy! Check them out for more recommendations, funny jokes, art, and more!


The side of Azeroth you never knew existed! A community dedicated to Warcraft Rule 34
Rule 34 of D&D: any and all porn (NSFW) that can be categorized and/or loosely related to the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. This includes drawn art and live action porn (still images, animated gifs, & videos) -- If it's in any edition of the Players Handbooks, the Monster Manuals, or supplements it's fair game!
A subreddit for alluring NSFW images from beyond this world.
A community to showcase the use of fantasy themed/crazy looking dildos. Open to any Gender/Identity!! Sex worker and ad friendly space

Female aliens, monsters girls, sexy mutants and cute creatures of all kind.
 The goal of this subreddit is to boost attention to gay orc content creators.
r/GoblinGirls is the number one subreddit for all things Goblin Girls! Art, Porn, Hentai, CG models, movies, cosplay and everything else!
Just a sub for people who appreciate the large variety of anime fangs.
This is a area for the hentai base monster girl genre Highly NSFW
Real girls in cosplay as Monster girls, Elf girls, Cat girls and all kind of cute humanoid girls welcomed :)
NSFW pictures of male humanoid monsters and the beautiful women they mate with. A subreddit for Orcs, Minotaurs, Werewolves, Lizardmen, Trolls, Ogres, and all other MonsterMen.
Rule 34 of Orcs
A subreddit dedicated to green muscular beauties.
Community dedicated to monster girls in real life. Typically cosplay, but if you spot an alien girl or a succubus, please post her here too.
Slutty elf babes are our specialty. Demons, Goblins and other sharp eared sluts are also welcome.
Monsters need love too. A place to collect hugs for silly, brave, humble, fabulous, homesick, terrified, or sympathetic monsters.
for those internet dwellers interested in Teratophilia or has the attraction to it. Teratophilia- "The paraphilia characterized by sexual attraction to deformed or monstrous people. Attraction to monsters."

Okay, I think that's all I can write up right now! If you guys liked this and want some more I can definitely make more recommendation posts! Let me know if you have a particular favorite kind of monster, favorite dynamic, or anything else that you want more specific recommendations for!!

Also if you want to make your love of monsters a little more real, I may be working on a list of fantasy adult toy producers to share someday in the future!! But that will be a list for another day!