Aesthel wearing a blue lolita dress with clouds, strawberries, and gold detailing. She is edited over a background of pastel blue and pink skies with fluffy clouds behind her.

Hello Everyone! It's nice to meet you! Thanks so much for checking out my blog! I assume most people will find this page through my social media, but in case you're new here I wanted to tell you a bit about myself!

My name is Aesthel and I am a 24 year old... how do I describe myself? Rainbow fairy unicorn? In all reality though, I do a LOT of stuff. I do cosplaying, I do modeling, I do social media managing, I do YouTube, I do fashion stuff, I do special effects and beauty makeup, I do a small bit of photography, I work at Cosplay Realm Magazine. I just do a LOT. In general, I'm a really creative person. I love making things and working on lots of different projects, and I have so many different passions and interests that I find I just have to work on all of them a little bit. 

Outside of the "work" parts of my life, I also have a lot of hobbies and interests that I may end up taking about on here too! I love to cook!! I especially love making meals inspired by my favorite fandoms. Speaking of which, I am into SO many fandoms! I often find that I have a lot I want to say about my favorite fandoms or characters, but no one to really talk to about them. I'm hoping that I can use this blog as a place to talk about some of my interests like that and get some of my thoughts out!  I also enjoy doing art and studying history. I actually majored in history (with a focus on medieval and ancient history) in college, and I love talking about that with people!

In general this blog will be a place where I keep some regular updates about my life and what I've been up to, but I'm also hoping to write some fun articles about my various fields and interests that can hopefully be resources for anyone that is into the same things that I am!

If you do not already follow me, you can check out more of my content on my social media pages!

YouTube | Twitter | TikTok | Instagram | Facebook

Note: While I'm not sure if I'll ever get into it here on this blog, I do also do NSFW content and that may appear on my social media at times. Due to the fact that I produce NSFW content I consider all of my pages as adult content. Please be aware of this and only follow me if you are 18+.